Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Time for planting...

It's time to plant veggies if you have a garden in central Florida. This is the first year we've had a garden. Don installed our raised garden bed a few weeks ago and over the weekend we made our mix (compost, vermiculite, and peet moss). Now it's time to plant.

We are doing a square foot garden since our yard is so tiny. Right now, our plan is to have two tomato plants, two bean plants, four leaf lettuce, four Romain lettuce, 9 beet plants, 32 carrots, 32 onion/scallions, 2 broccoli , 1 green pepper, 1 red pepper, and that leaves us 2 square feet left. Our bed is 2 feet by 9 1/2 feet so we have approximately 19 square feet. The garden doesn't look that big. It's hard to imagine that many veggies are going to come from that tiny space. I'm so excited. Of course this year is a learning year so my expectations aren't that high, lol. I just joined an organic produce co-op though so what ever doesn't grow, I can always supplement with the co-op. I will post some before planting pictures in the morning.


Melodie said...

Sounds exciting!

Anonymous said...

That's exciting. I have absolutely no interest in gardening, but dh is a nut for it. Our garden grows bigger each year. Don't forget to get the planting calendar from the extension service!