Friday, May 9, 2008

Extreme die-off!!!

After 2 days of SCD Yogurt and 1 day of SCD cheesecake, Shawn is going through some serious die-off. Wednesday and Thursday he came home from school with yellow in his agenda. Wednesday for not paying attention and getting his work done and Thursday for jumping on another student at pack up time. Today when he got off the bus, I noticed he was wearing different clothes than he had on this morning. When I asked him why, he told me that him and one of the other boys in his class got wet in the sprinkler on the way to speech. He told me he got on red but when I checked his agenda, it was green. Usually, if he gets yellow or red his teacher will put an X through the green dot and then give a yellow or red with a small explanation. I'm not sure if she forgot to mark his agenda or Shawn was mistaken but I think she probably forgot. His behavior was awful this afternoon. My voice was getting hoarse from yelling so much. He was very defiant, very whiny, argumentative, easily frustrated, and just plain mean. I had Don put him in the bath with some Epsom Salt and I made him soak for about 30 minutes. He was much better after the bath. I didn't give him anymore yogurt or cheesecake today. I'll see how his behavior is tomorrow and decide whether or not I want to give him any. If I do, I'll only give him a very small amount.


Melodie said...

Hey, Karen. I read about Shawn taking the baths in the Epsom salt a few times, and I was just wondering what exactly it does?

Karen said...

Epsom salt is used for lots of things. It relieves constipation, it's used as a soaking aid to relieve sore muscles and bruises, it provides relief from arthritic pain, reduces stiffness and soreness in joints, but the reason we are using Epsom Salt is because it helps detox the body. It supposed to get rid of the toxins and I'm pretty sure it works because Shawn's behavior definitely changes once he's had an Epsom Salt bath.

Melodie said...

Thanks, Karen. I knew of its other benefits, but I had just never heard of it being used for behavior issues.