Thursday, July 17, 2008

more improvements

We're still seeing a slow but steady progress in Shawn's eating habits. Last night I made some steak (the kind used for stir fry) only I don't have a wok so it was cooked in a pan. Don made him take a bite of it and he didn't gag or throw up. Victory!!! He said he didn't like it but he was able to eat it without chewing for 20 minutes on 1 bite. In light of this new discovery, I made him eat a little steak for dinner (along with other food that he likes). He was not happy about it but he ate it.

Tonight, I made Shawn eat some broccoli. Again, no gagging! He said he didn't like this either but I was able to get him to eat it. I'm starting to see a trend here. I feel as long as he's not gagging on the food or taking a really long time to chew something, he should be able to eat it. I'm going to start making him eat more "normal" food.

My bloating update...I think it was either the EFA or the Cod Liver Oil because I didn't take either of those last night and today I feel better. I'm still a little bloated but I'm not in so much pain as I was. I'm going to wait a few days to make sure and if everything is still good, I will take the EFA only to see if I have some sort of reaction. If I don't react to the EFA, then I'll reintroduce the Fermented CLO. I'm concerned about the EFA because the information on the website says that it may contain traces of soy or derivatives. Soy is not legal on this diet. I'm not sure why they are selling this product on the website. I would think this would be an illegal supplement. I've been giving it to Shawn and he hasn't been complaining about not feeling well.
Well, we'll see.

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