Sunday, April 20, 2008

First SCD meal...

Last night I made some homemade applesauce and some homemade jello (I'm quite the Martha Stewart right now). Those of you that know me, know that I hate to cook so this diet is going to be as challenging for me as it is for Shawn.

This morning our breakfast consisted of scrambled eggs, banana egg pancake (mostly to try it out), and some ground beef patties. I told Shawn if he ate some of his food, he could have some jello and he actually ate some of the banana egg pancake and the scrambled eggs I gave him. I didn't give him much egg because I honestly didn't think he would eat it. I tried to get him to eat some of the hamburger but it took him about 15 minutes to chew one small bite so I didn't force anymore. Hopefully, he'll get better with eating meat in a few days. I have a roast in the crock pot right now for dinner and I plan on making some meatloaf for lunch and some to freeze for later. I'll update later with the rest of our first day.

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